Book Study Group

Deepen your connections and your understanding.

Book Study Group
Book Study Group

Session 1 , 07/30/2024

Session 2 , 08/27/2024

Session 3 , 09/24/2024

Book Study Group

Session 1 , 10/29/2024

Session 2 , 11/26/2024

Session 3 , 12/30/2024

Book Study Group

Session 1 , 01/28/2025

Session 2 , 02/25/2025

Session 3 , 04/01/2025

Book Study Group

Session 1 , 04/29/2025

Session 2 , 05/27/2025

Session 3 , 06/24/2025

Book Study Group

Session 1 , 07/29/2025

Session 2 , 08/26/2025

Session 3 , 09/30/2025

Expand your knowledge base

Engage in a three-months long study

This warm, open and inviting group reads books together on topics germane to coaching, spirituality, development, trauma, etc. Each month the group engages in a discussion with each and the author.

How it works:

We’ll send some provocative study questions; all you do is read and connect to Zoom for the calls. The group reconstitutes itself each quarter and is composed of new participants and several returning members, some of whom have been in this Study Group together for many years.

Past authors include Michael Meade, Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey, Ann Weiser-Cornell, David Whyte, Marshall Rosenberg, A.H. Almaas, Malcolm Gladwell, Bill Torbert, Wendy Palmer, Meg Wheatley, Juanita Brown, Otto Scharmer, Loch Kelly, and many more.

Summer Quarter 2024

All calls take place in Pacific Time. Convert to local time here.

Christina Congleton, author of Getting Over Ourselves: Moving Beyond a Culture of Burnout, Loneliness, and Narcissism

July 30, 2024, 5-7pm PT

Christina Congleton delivers an insightful and urgently needed discussion of how people can break out of the tired cliches of the self-help genre, and move toward new levels of connection, engagement, and capacity in navigating an uncertain world.

In the book, you’ll explore how modern attitudes of individualism that were once freeing now converge with environmental destruction, inequality, and an alarming uptick in depression, substance abuse, and suicide to significantly damage the potential of people everywhere. You’ll also find concrete strategies―rooted in developmental psychology―that show us new ways to approach these challenging times.

An essential and timely work, Getting Over Ourselves is the antidote to the skin-deep, ineffective “self-help” material that you’ve been looking for.

Terrance Lee, author of The Calm Effect – 5 Keys For Introverts To Succeed Without Stress And Lead With Poise

August 27, 2024, 5-7pm PT

A calm leader is the most powerful person in the room.

Extraversion is often associated with success. People seen as highly expressive, dominant, and sociable seem to always get ahead. For introverts, this dynamic can be discouraging and might make them feel like the best way to accomplish their goals is to transform into something they’re not….an extrovert. This false belief can lead to stress, overthinking, and feelings of imposter syndrome.

But there is a better way…

In The Calm Effect, we explore the power of intentional calmness in leadership. Throughout this book are several examples, including critical historical moments, that prove the strength and effectiveness of individuals with a calm demeanor. Each chapter has a new key for you to discover. When you begin to practice all five keys, you will start to experience yourself shifting away from stress and worry to operating with calm and poise.

Lean into your strengths as an introvert, lean into calmness, and watch your life change forever.




David L. McMahan, author of Rethinking Meditation: Buddhist Meditative Practice in Ancient and Modern Worlds

September 24, 2024, 5-7pm PT

Rethinking Meditation shows that the standard articulation of mindfulness did not come down to us unchanged from the time of the Buddha. Rather, it is a distillation of particular strands of Buddhist thought that have combined with western ideas to create a unique practice tailored to modern life. Rethinking Meditation argues that the relationship between meditative practices and cultural context is much more crucial than is suggested in typical contemporary articulations.

David McMahan shows that most of the vast array of meditative practices that have emerged in Buddhist traditions have been filtered out of typical contemporary practice, allowing only a trickle of meditative practices through. This book presents a genealogy of some specific elements in classical Buddhist traditions that have fed into contemporary meditative practices-those that have made it through the filters of modernity. It asks: out of the many forms of Buddhist meditation that have developed over two-and-a-half millennia, how and why were particular practices selected to coalesce into the Standard Version today?

Fall Quarter 2024

All calls take place in Pacific Time. Convert to local time here.

Glenn Wallis, author of Nietzsche Now!: The Great Immoralist on the Vital Issues of Our Time

October 29, 2024, 5-7pm PT

For readers both acquainted with and new to the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, Nietzsche NOW! frames and explains Nietzsche’s thinking on topics of immediate contemporary concern and relevance. Wallis unpacks Nietzsche’s complex philosophy with a deft, empathetic, and brilliantly subtle analysis of the views of the Great Immoralist on democracy, identity, civilization, consciousness, religion, and other momentous topics. Throughout, Wallis includes ample extracts from Nietzsche himself.

Rather than skirting what is controversial or editing for easy consumption, Wallis invites readers to exercise a courageous curiosity that yields a rich, nuanced understanding of Nietzsche. In Nietzsche NOW! he takes readers on a sometimes counterintuitive, always revelatory journey to grasp the relevance of Nietzsche for our contentious times.

Ulrich Baer, editor and translator of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Nietzsche on Love

November 26, 2024, 5-7pm PT

Friedrich Nietzsche presented many of his greatest insights in pithy, well-turned short phrases that do not follow any philosophical dogma. Instead, his chastening but ultimately life-affirming philosophy puts forth true love and friendship as our best hope in dark times. Here are Nietzsche’s key sayings about love from the vast body of his philosophical writings, which have influenced politics, philosophy, art and culture like few other works of world literature.

As the first edition of its kind, this collection presents Nietzsche’s thoughts on love not as academic philosophy but as a guide to life. At turns delightful and astute—and always wise—Nietzsche on Love offers an original and startling glimpse into what one of the world’s foremost thinkers says about the fundamental experience of our lives.

Coming Soon!

December 30, 2024, 5-7pm PT

Learn about our next class

Graduate Community Gathering

Advanced Certification

Graduate Community Gathering

10/09/2024 | Virtual | By NVW Leadership Team

Join fellow graduates and NVW staff for a time to connect and deepen in relationship.

Trudy Chapman

“Foundations of Coaching was by far the best course of its type I have ever taken! Big kudos to James for building the model and sharing it with the world! I am so very grateful.”

Trudy Chapman

Ottawa, ON

Antje Berlin

“From clever to compassionate, from headstrong to a soft heart—the faculty of the Professional Coaching Course showed me the way. I will be forever grateful.”

Antje Berlin

Cape Town, South Africa

Bryan Power

“My certification process at New Ventures West was transformational work. For me, it was a perfect blend of personal and professional development.”

Bryan Power

San Francisco, CA

Jill Clark

“The PCC prepared me in so many unexpected ways for corporate training. By seeing my client as a whole person and looking beyond the struggle she’s experiencing with a specific job-related skill, I can introduce new possibilities in a language she understands.”

Jill Clark

Seattle, WA

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