Free Coaching as a Guest Client

Become a free guest client and develop alongside our students.

Free Coaching as a Guest Client
Free Coaching as a Guest Client



Adam Klein

Free Coaching as a Guest Client



Cynthia Luna

Experience learning with us

See a challenge in a new light and connect deeply with a coach.

One of the most beautiful things in Integral Coaching is the unique quality of relationship that can emerge between two people. Whether you are sitting as a coach or client, it is transformational to experience being seen in an integral way.

As a coaching training school, we balance theory with practical experience to prepare our PCC students for using their skills in the world. Becoming a guest client allows our students the chance to hone their approach in a supportive, guided environment.

Bring a question, dilemma, or recurring issue in your life to our day together, and gain practical support and perspective with our experienced PCC students.

Who this session is for

Your whole self is welcome here.

This session is to receive coaching from a student coach. It is perfect for anyone who is looking for a new perspective to an issue in their life, work or relationships.

It’s also a great way to experience firsthand what the Integral approach to coaching and self-development feels like, especially if you’re considering the Professional Coaching Course.

About the session

Gain another perspective on your issue.

During this session, you will:

  • Be in a private, 1:1 conversation with an experienced Integral Coaching student
  • Reflect on your experience with our faculty
  • Connect with like-hearted individuals.

You will leave this session with:

  • Fresh perspective on an important topic in your life
  • Connection to a vibrant community
  • A clearer sense of if Integral Coaching is right for you.

Choose the date that’s right for you.

Learn about our next class

Meet the Leader Call

Coaching Certification

Meet the Leader Call

08/01/2024 | Virtual | By Fabian Di Felice

Get to know New Ventures West faculty and have your questions answered about Integral Coach® certification.

Amanda Dunsby

“My PCC training was a profoundly life-changing experience, which has forever positively impacted my way of being and relationships. The course is highly professional, well-structured, impactful and experiential.”

Amanda Dunsby

Cape Town, South Africa

Thomas Schulte

“I’ve taken six different coach trainings, but New Ventures West was the one that influenced me the most—because it’s about you as a person rather than focusing on techniques and tools.”

Thomas Schulte

Mühital, Germany

Xiaomei Zhou

“I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to go through the PCC journey. It has changed how I view the world and what happens around us every day. “

Xiaomei Zhou

Shanghai, China

Kathrin O'Sullivan

“NVW brings forward a unique space of rigorous coach development and truly supportive community. I have become a more compassionate person and shifted my coaching from a transactional approach to a place where real transformation is possible. “

Kathrin O’Sullivan

Redwood City, CA

Step into the stream of Integral development.

Our work is continually evolving, and so are the programs, training, and workshops we offer. Let us support you on your journey.

Take your learning deeper.