Meet the Leader Call

Find answers for your questions about Integral Coach® certification and meet our faculty.

Meet the Leader Call
Meet the Leader Call



Fabian Di Felice

Meet the Leader Call



Fabian Di Felice

Meet the Leader Call



Fabian Di Felice

Chat with our faculty

Explore coaching through conversation.

The experience of every group of learners and leaders is unique, since we’re all human and bring our own gifts. Connections between our faculty and our students allows for new possibilities to emerge.

These sessions are led by our seasoned faculty who would be your guides through our training programs. Our work is best experienced through conversation. Discover how Integral Coaching might best support your goals.

Who this session is for

Your questions are welcome here.

This is the perfect place to be if you’re curious about taking one of our training programs, such as the Foundations of Coaching or the Professional Coaching Course, and if you’re interested in becoming certified as an Integral Coach®.

No matter your role, industry or previous experience, no coaching experience is required to begin.

About the session

Gain a clearer sense of your path toward becoming an Integral Coach.

During this session, you will:

  • Speak directly with a course leader
  • Discover what the path to certification could look like for you
  • Understand how our faculty support students in their unique learning style
  • Discover what makes New Ventures West’s training distinct from other coaching schools.


You will leave this session with:

  • A clearer understanding of the New Ventures West training options available to you
  • Answers for your specific questions about our programs
  • A felt sense of our approach and community, by interacting with faculty and fellow learners drawn to Integral Coaching.

Learn about our next class

Foundations of Coaching

Coaching Certification

Foundations of Coaching

08/13/2024 – 08/15/2024 | Virtual (Pacific) | By Adam Klein

Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.

Sarah Cunningham

“The PCC was one of the most life-shifting and transformative experiences I’ve been through as an adult. I highly recommend it as a way to understand yourself and others in a deeper and richer way.”

Sarah Cunningham

Chicago, IL

Michael Dolan

“Along with being one of the most transformational years of my life, the Professional Coaching Course has had a powerful and lasting influence on who I am as a coach and how I do what I do. “

Michael Dolan

Sausalito, CA

Kathrin O'Sullivan

“NVW brings forward a unique space of rigorous coach development and truly supportive community. I have become a more compassionate person and shifted my coaching from a transactional approach to a place where real transformation is possible. “

Kathrin O’Sullivan

Redwood City, CA

Maryse Lepage

“I experienced a major shift of perspectives on myself, others, and the world: exhilarating, terrifying, elevating. I went from seeing coaching as a profession to coaching as a vocation and a way of being.”

Maryse Lepage

Ottawa, ON

Step into the stream of Integral development.

Our work is continually evolving, and so are the programs, training, and workshops we offer. Let us support you on your journey.

Take your learning deeper.