During her “quarter-life crisis” at the age of 25, Lizzie moved to India for two years, learning meditation, yoga and hotel management. Now a coach, event organizer and program facilitator, Lizzie has also worked in the London music industry for many years. She also does marketing, community building and graphic design. She writes a blog called Sacred Rebellion, with topics including how we’ve become hypnotized into following the crowd rather than living our purpose. Her clients benefit from a candid, honest and humor-filled approach that is infused with shadow work, Enneagram studies, and other means for deepening awareness.
A keen golfer, Lizzie is closely surrounded by her family of husband,mum, dad, sister, brother, brother-in-law, niece, nephew and step-daughter, and she has many wonderful friends who support her on her way.

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Coaching Certification
Foundations of Coaching
03/12/2024 - 03/14/2024 | Virtual (Pacific) | By Carole Henmi
Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.