Our program path

At New Ventures West, we help bring your fullest expression into the world.

Our programs are designed to meet you where you are—whether that is to become a certified Integral Coach, support your development in a fresh way, or help your company in becoming more effective and aligned.

Want to learn about our transformative process and methodology?

Upcoming Courses

Designed to work with your life.

We have workshops and classes beginning every month. Find the one that works for you.

Matt Sloane

“Engaging with the Professional Coaching Course was like having an instant community that valued depth and presence. NVW met my need for a curriculum that prioritized my development as a human being.”

Matt Sloane

Portland, OR

Bryan Power

“My certification process at New Ventures West was transformational work. For me, it was a perfect blend of personal and professional development.”

Bryan Power

San Francisco, CA

Heather Bowker

“The PCC experience changed my life in so many ways. I have learned and continue to learn so much more about myself, in ways that have restored happiness and peace in my world and in my heart.”

Heather Bowker

San Rafael, CA

Sajili Shirodkar

“At New Ventures West I experienced a respectful and tender holding of each participant—which had me cherish being vulnerable—and a blossoming transformation of myself which continues to unfold.”

Sajili Shirodkar

Mumbai, India

Alan Goldstein

“The training has dramatically improved not only my relationships with staff and patients, but more importantly, provided me with a new level of life awareness and opportunity. And by the way, business is better.”

Alan Goldstein

New York, NY

Karen Kane

“I am a much better coach as a result of the Professional Coaching Course. My skill in assessing clients and designing appropriate coaching programs has increased significantly.”

Karen Kane

Silver Spring, MD

Featured Course

Professional Coaching Course

Coaching Certification

Professional Coaching Course

06/20/2024 | Virtual & SF | By Sahar Azarabadi

Transform your life, your relationships, and your career with an Integral Coach® certification.