Personal Development

Become more of

who you are.

Experience new growth and deepen on your journey to support yourself, your community and your world.

Step into greater fulfillment

What might it be like to connect with your whole self?

Your life is shaped by many influences—the cultures, contexts, experiences, and people that have impacted the person you are today.

We believe that you are already whole. And by working at the level of who you are, not simply what you wish to change, we can expand how you awaken to new possibilities waiting to be discovered.

Learn alongside peers

Deepen into a community of like-minded learners.

Not only will you experience the expert guidance of our experienced, diverse faculty of Integral Coaches, you’ll become welcomed into our warm, compassionate community of students.

Our cohort-based trainings are designed to support relationships. Class sizes are limited to give you an intimate, personalized experience, and students often create lifelong friendships and networks with those they study alongside.

Embark on a program that will change your life.

How it works

Practical wisdom to keep you growing.

Experience hands-on practice to bring your learnings into the here and now. We offer programs designed to support you at every stage of your journey.

Start where you are.

Align your journey with your needs, your capacity and your lifestyle. Our training offerings range from two-hour workshops to programs that unfold over months, We gather virtually, in-person or hybrid across a variety of timezones.

Learnings for your mind, heart and spirit.

Our methodology is rooted in the latest scientific inquiry and traditional wisdoms from around the globe. Learn at the intersection of neuroscience, somatic movement, attachment theory, mindfulness and many more.

Heather Bowker

“The PCC experience changed my life in so many ways. I have learned and continue to learn so much more about myself, in ways that have restored happiness and peace in my world and in my heart.”

Heather Bowker

San Rafael, CA

Antje Berlin

“From clever to compassionate, from headstrong to a soft heart—the faculty of the Professional Coaching Course showed me the way. I will be forever grateful.”

Antje Berlin

Cape Town, South Africa

Sajili Shirodkar

“At New Ventures West I experienced a respectful and tender holding of each participant—which had me cherish being vulnerable—and a blossoming transformation of myself which continues to unfold.”

Sajili Shirodkar

Mumbai, India

Liz Harris

“This unique program not only taught me a powerful methodology for coaching others; more importantly it showed me how to continue my own journey towards being the best person I can be. “

Liz Harris

Perth, Australia

Designed to work with your life.

We have workshops and classes beginning every month. Find the one that works for you.