Presence & Process Pre-Work

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Please complete this assignment prior to the first session of class on October 11.

To save your work from the vagaries of internet connection, you may wish to type your answers in a separate document and paste them into the form when they are complete.

You will receive an email copy of your assignment after you submit it. Please have it handy for our first session.

We look forward to being with you in class!


So we can send you a copy of your assignment
Have you completed the Professional Coaching Course or another coaching certification program?
Are you currently actively coaching clients?
(e.g., in house at an organization, independently, as part of a consultancy or collaborative?)
E.g., executives in organizations – corporate / nonprofit / government? People paying out of pocket?
E.g., leader development, entrepreneurs, social change, nonprofit, government, life coaching, career coaching, parenting, etc.


For each of the questions below, please do the following:
  • Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = Not developed at all, 5 = adequately developed, 10 = really well developed)
  • Share a situation that grounds your assessment of yourself. When answering each question, please consider the following:
    • What supports you in this capacity?
    • What gets in the way of that capacity?
    • What, if anything have you previously done to cultivate this capacity?
To stay present with a wide range of energies in the moment with yourself, the client and the relational field