Practice Client Volunteer Form

"*" indicates required fields

Greetings! Thank you for your interest in working with an Integral Coach.

Integral Coaching is a developmental method that works deeply with the whole person, addressing the issue you bring as well as your broader life. Clients generally come away from coaching engagements feeling more resourced, spacious, and connected to greater possibility.

Working with practice clients is an invaluable piece of our students’ learning, as well as a chance for you to receive skilled support at low or no cost. Whichever experience you select (descriptions below), you will be working with someone on a rigorous path of learning and self-development, and who has been training in the methodology for at least three months.

To register your interest in being a practice client, please fill out the form below to help us assess fit. Coaches will reach out to you directly to explore working together.

Please note that, though most potential clients find a coach through this process, providing this information does not guarantee a match.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Which type of engagement are you interested in?*
See descriptions under “Practice Client Options” below.

Practice Client Options

All sessions are confidential.

1. Long-term engagement with a student coach

  • 10-12 sessions over 6-8 months
  • Low or no cost
  • Not observed. Some sessions may be recorded for observation by faculty.

This is an opportunity to work in a supported way toward a set of developmental outcomes. After a chemistry call to check for fit, you’ll meet with your coach approximately every two weeks (online or in person—you and your coach will decide) to explore areas of your life where you feel stuck or are seeking deeper understanding. Between sessions you will engage in practices intended to address these areas and support your development. At the end of the program you’ll have a brief conversation with a faculty member to say how the experience was for you.

2. Session with a certifying student

  • Two Zoom calls
  • No cost
  • Recorded for later observation

Receive a coaching session with an experienced student coach as part of their end-of-year certification process. This engagement consists of two conversations. The first is approximately an hour long, where your coach will get to know you and learn about the topic that brings you to coaching. A few days later you will have another conversation (~30 minutes), where your coach will offer insights and practices intended to open new possibilities for you. This second conversation will be recorded and later viewed by the student, their classmates, and their faculty.

3. Demonstration session with an advanced faculty coach

  • Two Zoom calls
  • No cost
  • Observed

Work with a highly experienced faculty coach over two hour-long Zoom sessions—one on a Thursday, the other on a Saturday. The first is an intake conversation where your coach will get to know you and learn about the issue you are bringing to coaching. In the second, your coach will offer distinctions, resources and practices that will help you live into new possibilities. Though the class observes these sessions to support their learning, they are intimate, uninterrupted, and confidential.