Integral Coaches Code of Ethics

  • Introduction

  • The bond between coach and client can be a powerful foundation for the mutual benefit and development of both parties. At the same time, the trust and openness central to the coaching relationship can be exploited consciously or unconsciously by coaches who often become very powerful people in the lives of their clients. As coaches we must always be on our guard to avoid any exploitation or harm we may bring to our clients, and it’s in that spirit that we wholeheartedly embrace and endorse this code of ethics.
  • The Code

  • In order to protect the safety and well being of my clients as well as the integrity of my profession, I fully commit to the following code of ethics.
    • I will only use my coaching relationships to further the intentions expressed in the coaching program. Consequently, I will not initiate, encourage, invite, support or engage in any sexual relationship of any form with my clients.
    • I will facilitate my clients in making choices that support their well being and intentions and will not influence them in any way to take actions that are contrary to their values, standards, or personal boundaries.
    • I will maintain strict confidentiality in my coaching relationships and will only share the content of these relationships when requesting help, input or coaching from qualified people who agree to keep the information confidential except under the following circumstances:
      -there is a life-threatening situation
      -if required to by law
      -when working with my supervisor, at which time I would only use their first name (and any corporate information would remain anonymous)
    • I will responsibly complete and disengage myself from any coaching relationship in which I find that I am not competent to serve my client or in which I am not upholding this code of ethics.
    • I will actively seek the support of my peers in upholding my ethics, reviewing my work, and improving my competence as a coach.
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