Shreya Agarwal
I'm Shreya Agarwal, with over 15 years of experience coaching and advising nonprofits, governments, and Fortune 500 clients. As someone who has spent over a decade trying to reduce poverty, inequality and helping the most underserved stand in their power, I offer coaching for change makers and social impact leaders. I'm a professional certified coach trained in integral coaching methodology, and I've received training in adaptive leadership by Ron Heifetz and adult development by Robert Kegan at Harvard University.
I provide a safe space (and yet one that challenges!) to explore limiting narratives and mindsets, and together we identify actionable steps to achieve your goals. In a 10-12-session package over 6 months, I offer a personalized coaching plan that combines best practices from integral coaching, mindfulness, adult development, and adaptive leadership. We will create accountability structures for your goal-oriented commitments and implement practices that help you show up as a more aligned version of yourself.
Since coaching should be accessible to everyone, we can discuss what works best for you in terms of investment. You can find more details and book an exploratory call at
For more details about my background:
email: [email protected]
Featured Course
Coaching Certification
Foundations of Coaching
Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.