Beneath the Sky

Beneath the blanket of warm gray sky
moisture falls
The parched land forced to rest

it can only produce so much
for so long

Shoots and fruits have withered
the herds passed
all that remains are ghosts of life passed

it can only produce so much
for so long

it pines for lush green, flourishing life
pulling at all its resources
pushing, striving, and trying to be fertile

it’s left barren
dusty and cracked

Beneath the blanket of warm gray sky
moisture falls
and light enters through each drop
the land bathes itself in eternity present
resting in the sky
resting in what holds its being together

Beneath the blanket of warm gray sky
rest weary wanderlust
rest passing pilgrim
rest earnest seeker
looking for life in odd doors
vintage windows
eclectic mixes
worn streets
and torn sheets

rest till the breath you breathe
penetrates the pulsing soul
evaporating the imposed veils of separation

rest until the air you swim in is
thick with the being of love

rest until you is we

Beneath the blanket of warm gray sky