Application for Coach as Evolutionary Entrepreneur

  • Dear Friend,

    Being a participant in the Coach as Evolutionary Entrepreneur (CaEE) is being a member of a sense-making and design collective composed of developmental coaches. This is a community dedicated to lifelong learning and integral development. Participation requires regular practice of sense-making about the world we live in and ourselves.

    There are no right or wrong answers to the questions in this application. Your answers simply help me get to know you. In truth, it is rare that I decline an applicant. You can relax and let go of needing to look good or impress. My primary purpose for the application process is to get to know you and your needs well enough to feel confident that this course will be an awesome and valuable experience for you.

    You may not have answers to some of the questions. “I don’t know” is a valid and perfectly acceptable answer. Also, practice not “getting stuck” in completing the application. And, if you get stuck, please reach out to me for help.

    Please know that your answers will be held in confidence. Only I will read your application.

    Once your application is approved you’ll receive instructions on paying tuition. After that you will be given access to the pre-sprint exercise and the online workspace. You should hear a response within a few days, unless I’m on vacation and not checking e-mail.

    Thanks for your interest in the CaEE. I look forward to getting to know you, rolling up our sleeves together and working hard to launch or re-launch your coaching business to be essential in these turbulent times.

    Steve March, Founder of Aletheia
    [email protected]

  • My Basic Information

  • e.g., single, married, in a committed relationship(s). Please include partner name(s).
  • Relevant degrees and certificates. You don’t need to be exhaustive.
  • Your current roles, responsibilities, and/or a brief description of the kind of work you do
  • Your current employer or an indication if you are self-employed or not currently employed
  • Reflecting on How I Know Myself

  • In five bullet points or less
  • Examples of practices include journaling, meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong, exercise, singing in the church choir, volunteering to feed the homeless, Friday afternoon coffee with my best friend, and Sunday dinners with my whole family
  • Reflecting on my Coaching Business (or Business in the Making)