Sakeenah Ahamed
Sakeenah is a Certified Executive Coach and Facilitator specialised in innovative and integrative leadership development. Her work is infused with her passion for opening profound possibilities for her clients through the skillful exploration of their worldview and experience.
She was born in Mauritius and grew up immersed in the islandÕs cultural melting-pot, developing her love for unity in diversity, cross-cultural exploration and bridging. She holds certification in Integral Development Coaching through New Ventures West in San Francisco and is a member of the International Coach Federation. Her work integrates over fifteen years of strategic, creative and operational management and consulting experience in the corporate world across various sectors and territories, mainly media and entertainment in Europe-Middle-East-Africa and the US.
Her values, i.e. what she stands for and practice daily in her life and through her work, are: Passion, Integrity, Humanity.
As coach and facilitator, she is actively engaged in various communities of practice across Europe and the US, committed to support leaders and organisations respond to ongoing transformations and changes in a way that embraces innovative forms of management and governance.
Coach Professionnelle Certifie et Facilitatrice, Sakeenah est spcialise dans le dveloppement du leadership dÕintgration, novateur et crateur. Son travail est infus par sa passion: crer des opportunits et des ouvertures profondes pour ses clients via une exploration habile de leur vision du monde et leurs expriences.
Ne lÕle Maurice, elle a grandi dans le melting-pot culturel de lÕle, dveloppant un got certain pour lÕunit dans la diversit et lÕexploration inter-culturelle. Membre de lÕInternational Coach Federation, elle est diplme en Coaching Intgral via New Ventures West San Francisco o elle a t forme. Son travail intgre plus de quinze ans dÕexprience en tant que cadre oprationnel et consultante en entreprise (multinationales et PME) dans diffrents secteurs et divers trritoires, notamment les mdias et lÕentertainment en Europe-Moyen-Orient-Afrique et aux Etats-Unis.
Ses valeurs, ce en quoi elle adhre et pratique dans son travail et dans sa vie de tous les jours, sont: la Passion, lÕIntgrit, lÕHumanit.
En tant que coach et facilitatrice, elle fait partie intgrante de plusieurs communauts et groupes de pratiques en Europe et aux US, engags soutenir leaders et organisations aborder les transformations et changements permanents dÕune faon qui leur permet dÕadopter des formes innovantes de management et de gouvernance avec agilit.
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